BRATA news

The „flowing dress“

In this case, it’s tempura batters that make our work „delicious“. Tempura batters are the „flowing dress“ for fish, meat or vegetables. Unlike traditional breadcrumbs, here the coat consists of a liquid batter. In the smooth flow, the tempura batters nestle flexibly to the respective product.

However, a dress can be as beautiful as it is – if it doesn’t fit, the effect fizzles out. It’s the same with tempura batters: if there is no adhesion, the most beautiful crispiness disappears. At BRATA, no compromises are made in this respect; product and breading virtually become one.

Our tempura batters consist, among other things, of a mixture of starch, flours, a pinch of salt, and the finishing touch: spices and spice blends that elevate a tasty bite into a delicious dish.

May 30, 2024